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花生用英语怎么说 花生的英文单词

更新:2023-09-16 00:07:43 高考升学网


2、释义:peanut n.花生。

3、例句:I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.我吃了两个花生酱果酱三明治。

花生用英语怎么说  花生的英文单词


1. 有各种小吃—花生米、橄榄什么的。

There were snacks—peanuts, olives, that sort of thing.


2. 我吃了两个花生酱果酱三明治。

I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


3. 詹姆斯朝她轻轻弹一颗花生。

James flicked a peanut at her.


4. 关于杀手身份的重大线索是他的绰号——花生。

The vital clue to the killer's identity was his nickname, Peanuts.


5. 早餐时你甚至可以吃到英式松饼,佐以花生酱和果冻。

You can even get peanut butter and jelly on an English muffin for breakfast.


6. 最后,从冰箱里拿出花生酱球。

Finally, take peanut butter balls out of fridge.

7. 你们想要些花生还是土豆片?

Would you like some peanuts or crisps?

8. 爸爸喝酒时喜欢吃花生豆儿。

Father likes eating peanuts while drinking.

9. 这些花生在哪买的,麦克?

Where did you get these peanuts, Mike?

10. 那么我可以要一些花生吗?

Could I have some peanuts then, please?

11. 我给你孩子捎来一点花生。

I've brought your children some peanuts.

12. 我今天带了花生酱三明治。

I have a peanut butter sandwich today.

13. 秋天了,我们去摘花生。

It's fall. Let's pick our peanuts.

14. 等他们闻到花生的香味。

Wait till they smell the peanuts.

15. 他们种的花生是拔尖的。

The peanuts they grow are top-notch.


16. 我实在不喜欢吃花生酱。

I don't really like peanut butter.

17. 我喜欢吃土司加花生酱。

I like eating toast with peanut butter.













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