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更新:2023-09-22 03:47:25 高考升学网


2. Did you enter the contest? 你参加比赛了吗?

3. Show your tickets,please. 请出示你的票。

4. Thank you for your advice. 谢谢你的建议。

5. That's the latest fashion. 这是最流行的款式。

6. The train arrived on time. 火车准时到达。

7. There go the house lights. 剧院的灯光灭了。

8. They are paid by the hour. 他们按时取酬。

9. Things are getting better. 情况正在好转。

10. Wake me up at five thirty. 请在五点半叫醒我。


1. Where do you want to meet? 你想在哪儿见面?

2. You can get what you want. 你能得到你想要的。

3. A barking dog doesn't bite! 吠犬不咬人。

4. Are you free this Saturday? 你这个星期六有空吗?

5. Be careful not to fall ill. 注意不要生病了。

6. Being a mother is not easy. 做一个母亲是不容易的。

7. Brevity is the soul of wit. 简洁是智慧的精华。

8. Cancer is a deadly disease. 癌症是一种致命的疾病。

9. Did you fight with others? 你又和别人打架了吗?

10. Don't dream away your time. 不要虚度光阴。

11. Don't keep me waiting long. 不要让我等得太久。

12. He has a remarkable memory. 他有惊人的记忆力。

13. He has completed the task. 他完成了这个任务。

14. He has quite a few friends. 他有不少的朋友。

15. He is capable of any crime. 他什么样的坏事都能干得出来。

16. He walks with a quick pace. 他快步走路。

17. He was not a little tired. 他很累。

18. His looks are always funny. 他的样子总是滑稽可笑。

19. How about going to a movie? 去看场电影怎么样?

20. I think I've caught a cold. 我想我得了感冒。


1. I wish I lived in NEWYORK. 我希望住在纽约。

2. I'm very glad to hear that. 很高兴听你这样说。

3. I'm your lucky fellow then. 我就是你的幸运舞伴啦!

4. It's none of your business! 这不关你的事儿!

5. No littering on the campus. 在校园内不准乱丢废物。

6. She is a good-looking girl. 她是一个漂亮女孩。

7. She mended the broken doll. 她修补了破了的洋娃娃。

8. So I just take what I want. 那么我只拿我所需要的东西。

9. Spring is a Ptty season, 春天是一个好季节。

10. The figure seems all Right. 数目看起来是对的。

11. The stars are too far away. 星星太遥远了。

12. The whole world knows that. 全世界都知道。

13. Tomorrow will be a holiday. 明天放假。

14. We walk on the garden path. 我们走在花园小径上。

15. What you need is just rest. 你需要的就是休息。

16. What's your favorite steps? 你最喜欢跳什么舞?

17. You'd better let her alone. 你们最好是让她一个人呆会儿。

18. A lost chance never returns. 错过的机会永不再来。

19. Don't let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。

20. He shot the lion with a gun. 他用枪把狮子打死了。



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