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更新:2022-10-19 17:06:06 高考升学网

1,一切使人团结的是善与美,一切使人分裂的是恶与丑。 —— 列夫·托尔斯泰

1. What unites people is goodness and beauty, and what pides people is evil and ugliness—— Leo Tolstoy

2,一个人如果单靠自己,如果置身于集体的关系之外,置身于任何团结民众的伟大思想的范围之外,就会变成怠惰的、保守的、与生活发展相敌对的人。 —— 高尔基

2. If a person depends on himself alone, if he is outside the collective relationship and outside the scope of any great idea of uniting the people, he will become lazy, conservative and hostile to the development of life—— Golgi

3,若不团结,任何力量都是弱小的。 —— 拉封丹

3. Without unity, any power is weak—— La Fontaine

4,只有美的交流,才能使社会团结,因为它关系到一切人都共同拥有的东西。 —— 席勒

4. Only the exchange of beauty can unite the society, because it is related to what everyone has in common—— Schiller

5,团结一致,同心同德,任何强大的敌人,任何困难的环境,都会向我们投降。—— 毛泽东

5. Unite as one and work with one heart and one mind. Any powerful enemy and any difficult environment will surrender to us—— Mao Zedong

6,凡是经过考验的朋友,就应该把他们紧紧地团结在你的周围。 —— 莎士比亚

6. All tested friends should be closely united around you—— Shakespeare

7,为了达到伟大的目标和团结,为此所必需的千百万大军应当时刻牢记主要的东西,不因那些无谓的吹毛求疵而迷失方向。 —— 恩格斯

7. In order to achieve great goals and unity, the millions of troops necessary for this should always keep in mind the main things and not lose their way because of unnecessary nitpicking—— Engels

8,不但要团结和自己意见相同的人,而且要善于团结那些和自己意见不同的人,还要善于团结那些反对自己并且已被实践证明是犯了错误的人。 —— 毛泽东

8. We should not only unite with those who agree with us, but also be good at uniting with those who disagree with us, and also be good at uniting with those who oppose us and have been proved to be wrong in practice—— Mao Zedong

9,团结就有力量和智慧,没有诚意实行平等或平等不充分,就不可能有持久而真诚的团结。—— 欧文

9. Unity has strength and wisdom. Without sincerity or insufficient equality, there can be no lasting and sincere unity—— Irving

10,团结就有力量和智慧,没有诚意实行平等或平等不充分,就不可能有持久而真诚的团结。—— 欧文

10. Unity has strength and wisdom. There can be no lasting and sincere unity without sincerity or insufficient equality—— Irving

11,劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅精神以及同全世界劳动者的团结一致,是取得最后胜利的保证。 —— 列宁

11. The workers' organization, discipline, perseverance and solidarity with workers all over the world are the guarantee for the final victory—— Lenin

12,我们的事业是正义的,我们的团结是坚强的。 —— 约·迪金森

12. Our cause is just and our unity is strong—— Jodickinson

13,只要千百万劳动者团结得象一个人一样,跟随本阶级的优秀人物前进,胜利也就有了保证。 —— 列宁

13. As long as millions of workers unite as one person and follow the excellent figures of their own class, victory will be guaranteed—— Lenin

14,工人阶级的团结就是工人胜利的首要前提。 —— 马克思

14. The unity of the working class is the primary Prequisite for the victory of the workers—— Marx


15. Three people save effort, four people are more relaxed, all people are united, Pepsi can succeed—— Lhoba People


16. Without unity, any force is weak—— La Fontaine


17. A single thread does not form a line. We should unite as one and work with one heart. Any powerful enemy and any difficult environment will surrender to us—— Mao Zedong









